Wednesday, 11 November 2015 18:40 |

At the end of the 2015 season Jerzy participated in 3 European torunaments. In the second part of October JJ played two matches in Vienna. First one with Dominic Thiem he won 2:6, 7:6(5), 6:4. Second one - with Steve Johnson - JJ lost 4:6, 7:6(7), 4:6. In Basel JJ played against Jaume Munar (6:1, 6:3), Mikhail Youzhny (6:4, 6:1) & Philipp Kohlschreiber (4:6, 6:3, 3:6). The last tournament in this season was Paris. JJ defeated Ivan Dodig 7:5, 3:6, 6:3 and he lost to Aljaz Bedene 7:6(3), 2:6, 5:7. See you in 2016!
foto: |
Saturday, 17 October 2015 18:46 |

Jerzy has become the ambassador of the Foundation "Sportowcy Dzieciom" ("Athletes for Kids")!
With the Foundation's support and help, kids can participate in all kinds of sport events and get to know many interesting people, who set an example that sport is not only entertainment, but also hard work, character and intellectual development . For more details: |
Tuesday, 06 October 2015 18:25 |

Poland has reached World Group at Davis Cup having defeated Slovakia! Three points were scored by: JJ, M. Przysiężny, the doubles: Kubot&Matkowski. Next meeting will be held in Poland agains Argentina in March. Jerzy's next tournament was St. Petersburg. He defeated B. Paire z wynikiem 6:4, 3:0 (ret) and then, after fight to the end, he lost to L. Pouille 6(8):7, 6(1):7. Much better was Jerzy's performance at the challenger in Orleans. Jerzy reached the final. Scores below: Janowicz- Niels Desein 6:4 6:3 Janowicz - Vincent Millot 4:6 6:3 6:2 Janowicz - Franko Skugor 6:4 6:4 Janowicz - Illya Marchenko 6:1 2:6 6:4 Janowicz - Jan-Lennard Struff 7:5 4:6 3:6 fot. AFP
Sunday, 13 September 2015 13:56 |
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W dniach 26 - 27 września odbędzie się tegoroczna edycja Jerzyk Cup, którego organizatorem i pomysłodawcą jest Jerzy Janowicz! Spotykamy się na kortach MKT Łódź. Zawody podzielone są pomiędzy trzy grupy wiekowe: do 8 lat, do 10 lat i do 12 lat. Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do dnia 23 września 2015 roku na adres mailowy
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(zgłoszenie jest obowiązkowe; wpisowe: 10 zł) Uroczyste otwarcie 26 września o godz. 12:00. Jak co roku na uczestników czeka wiele atrakcji i niespodzianek!
Więcej szczegółów dot. zapisów można uzyskać pod numerem 504-271-173. SERDECZNIE ZAPRASZMY!
dodatkowe info: JERZYK CUP |
Saturday, 12 September 2015 00:00 |

In Winston Salem Jerzy lost in the second match - Kevinem Anderson defeated him 6(2):7, 4:6. His stay at US Open was also very short. In the first round JJ lost to Pablo Carrena Busta 3:6, 6:4, 2:6, 4:6. fot. Marek Biczyk/ |
Tuesday, 25 August 2015 20:34 |

The performance in Montreal turned out to be quite short one. In 1st round Jerzy lost to Ivo Karlovic 4:6, 6(6):7. Cincinnati Open was more lucky for JJ. At first he defeated G. Monfils 6:4, 7:5, then J. Donaldson was also beaten 6:4, 7:6(4). The last match there Jerzy lost to A. Dolgopolov 3:6, 6:3, 4:6. Now Jerzy is playing in Winston Salem and he has already defeated L. Rosol 6:3, 6:2. Keep your fingers crossed! |
Monday, 03 August 2015 07:34 |

After Davis Cup Jerzy took part in two European tournaments - Bastad (Sweden) and Hamburg (Germany). He scored 2nd round in both of them. In Bastad firstly he defated A. Arnaboldi 6:4, 7:5, then he played against S. Darcis and lost to him 1:6, 4:6. In Hamburg JJ beat T. Daniel 6:4, 6:3. He lost in the second round to P. Cuevas 3:6, 6:4, 2:6. Next tournament: Montreal - ATP 1000. |
Thursday, 23 July 2015 19:37 |

Davis Cup matches ended up with a great result for Poland! In Szczecin we defeated Ukraine 3:1. J. Janowicz - A. Dolgopolov 3:6, 4:6, 6(2):7 M. Przysiężny - S. Stachowski 7:6(5), 6:4, 6:4 Ł. Kubot/ M. Matkowski - A. Dolgopolov/ D. Molochanov 6:3, 6:2, 7:6(6) J. Janowicz - S. Stachowski - 6:1, 7:6(3), 3:6, 6:3 Next meeting - in play-off round - we are playing in Poland against Slovakia. |
Saturday, 11 July 2015 17:25 |

Although last tournaments were pretty satisfying for Jerzy, Wimbledon could be better. Jerzy lost in the first round to M. Ilhan 6:7, 6:4, 6:7, 3:6. Upcoming event is Davis Cup (Poland - Ukraine) in Szczecin, 17-19 of July. See you there! |
Monday, 22 June 2015 11:08 |

Grass court season has set off at full steam! In Halle Jerzy reached a quarterfinal. Firstly he defeated P. Cuevas 6:3, 6:4, and then A. Falla 6:2, 5:7, 6:2. In the quarterfinal he played with no. 5 of the tournament - K. Nishikori - and he lost 4:6, 7:5, 3:6. Victories in Halle brought Jurek back to the first 50 of the ATP ranking. Now he is on the 47th position. See you at Wimbledon! |